Hey, my name's Austin and I'm the creator of Airsoft Guns 101. The purpose of this blog is to add a personalized view to the sport of airsoft. I write about a lot of different things, including new releases, advice, and insights into different airsoft topics. I hope you find this information helpful.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Minigun: Useful or Just Plain Overkill?

The M134 Minigun is considered one of the most expensive and best airsoft guns by many people. Others believe that there is no point to it. Although these guns usually have an fps of about 400 and use a 12 volt battery, I really see no point in it. It just seems very impractical in a combat situation. You would have to lug around this giant beast first of all. Plus, the manufuncturer states that it fires up to 6000 rounds per second, easily using up the 1700 round magazine in no time. When you fire the gun you have to totally expose yourself to incoming fire. All in All, I really see no reason to spend so much money on something like this. In my opinion this gun is complete overkill.

1 comment:

  1. The Mini looks very impractical but maybe a good cover fire piece. It would be very intimidating!!! I’d run for the hills!
